Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics (OSIG)


SUT Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Committee
OSIG Chair:      
Zack Westgate, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

OSIG Secretary:
Logan Brant, Geosyntec Consultants

Past Chairs:        
Andy Hill, BP
Kim Faulk, Geoscience Earth & Marine Services
Shawn Williamson, BHP
Dr. Zenon Medina-Cetina, Texas A&M University
Dr. Craig Shipp, Shell

Aim and Technical Remit:
To provide a recognised forum concerning offshore site investigation, foundation behaviour and associated areas of geophysics, geology, geotechnics and the offshore environment. The purpose of the committee as defined in its constitution is:
  • To promote best practice for issues within the OSIG committee's remit within the offshore industry.
  • To be a recognized learned body providing advice on issues within the technical remit of the committee to other non-commercial organizations.
  • To organize and provide education and training courses, workshops, seminars, and international conferences to the offshore industry to foster best practice and knowledge transfer and dissemination.


Our Courses

Workshop: Integrity and Risk Assessment of Pipelines and SCRs Marine Archaeology Course
Integrity and Risk Assessment of Pipelines and Risers Marine Archaeology Course
This course will provide a platform to stimulate a discussion and interaction between industry and researchers, and highlight the current state-of-practice and knowledge gaps in pipelines and SCRs. Marine Archaeology integrates geology, geophysics, and archaeology to delineate, identify, and assess inundated archaeological sites, such as shipwrecks and prehistoric sites. 

Our Subcommittees
OSIG has formed five different subcommittees.  These are staffed by industry professionals from the oil and gas industry and academics from universities with programs supporting our remit.  Companies and universities represented include  BHP Billiton Petroleum, Fugro, GEMS, TAMU, Benthic, Gardline, SAGE USA, The Jukes Group, BP, Oceaneering, Chevron, UT-Austin, NGI-Houston, Shell, Geosyntec and BARR Engineering Co. All subcommittee members volunteer their time towards SUT's learning programs.  Proceeds are used to provide scholarships to students undertaking studies pertinent to marine science, underwater technology or offshore engineering.


OSIG Committee Members


If you would like to become a SUT-US OSIG Committee Member click here

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