Mentoring Program Guidelines

Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics (OSIG)

SUT-US Industry-Mentoring Program

A mentoring relationship is meant to provide a safe, responsible environment for mentors and mentees to share information.  OSIG’s goal in creating the OSIG mentoring program is to connect industry experts with students who have varying levels of knowledge, and expectations.  OSIG expects all participants (mentors and mentees) to abide by our Anti-Harassment policy  

OSIG has provided the guidance below for both mentors and mentees to allow for a safe and effective mentoring relationship.  Any mentor or mentee can choose to exit the program for any reason.  Those who choose to exit the program due to concerns about discrimination, harassment, or safety are urged to share their concerns with the SUT Executive Chair, OSIG Chair,  or any other member of the SUT Executive Board without fear of retaliation.
Below are our expectations of all mentoring program members:

Expectations of Mentors & Mentees
  1. We expect all interactions to be professional in nature.
  2. We expect all mentors and mentees to abide by our Anti-Harassment Policy.
  3. All interactions will occur in a public or professional space.
  4. All interactions will occur without alcohol regardless of the age of the participants.
  5. All mentors and mentees will be treated with respect.
  6. We recognize that the mentor/mentee relationship is a purely voluntary relationship.  As such, any mentor or mentee wishing to exit the program early will notify the Mentoring Committee and OSIG Chair.
  7. All mentor-mentee relationships are planned for a 90 day limit.
  8. If a planned meeting needs to be rescheduled, both parties will endeavor to do so in a timely manner.
Expectations of Mentors 
  1. We expect mentors to establish a time to meet with their mentee within one week of being assigned a mentee.  This meeting can occur via phone, email, webex, or in person.
  2. We expect mentors to provide realistic, productive, timely, and professional feedback and assistance to their mentee(s).  
  3. If you are providing comments for a thesis or dissertation, we expect your feedback will be professional and timely.
  4. If you are able to provide introductions for your mentee, or additional assistance that is helpful but not required.
  5. Mentors are the “face” of SUT US and OSIG, and as such are expected to represent not only their own company but also SUT US/OSIG in a professional manner.
  6. All mentees will be treated with respect.
  7. Any mentor or mentee wishing to exit the program early will notify the Mentoring Committee and OSIG Chair.
  8. All mentor-mentee relationships are planned for a 90 day term.  Mentors and mentees wishing to continue the arrangement may do so if both are in agreement.
Expectations of Mentees 
  1. We expect mentees to help their mentor set up a meeting within one week of being assigned a mentor.  This meeting can occur via phone, email, webex, or in person.
  2. We expect mentees to ask for realistic, and professional advice, feedback, and assistance from their mentor.
  3. If you are interested in introductions to specific scientists or individuals, we expect you to let your mentor know.
  4. Mentees are the “face” of SUT US and their student chapter, and as such are expected to represent not only their own university but also SUT US in a professional manner.
  5. All mentors and mentees will be treated with respect.  If you feel this is not the case we expect you to notify the SUT US Chair or the OSIG Chair immediately.
  6. Any mentee wishing to exit the program early will notify the Mentoring Committee and OSIG Chair.
  7. All mentor-mentee relationships are planned for a 90 day term.  Mentors and mentees wishing to continue the arrangement may do so if both are in agreement.
If you are interesting in participating in this program contact us at

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