Student/Faculty Research, Mentoring, and Innovation
Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics (OSIG)

The goal of this Sub-committe is to build and follow-up an initiative to provide industry mentors to students.
The role of the mentors are:
1. Advising undergraduate students of the pros/cons of pursuing graduate degrees vs. entering industry.
2. Discussing the reasons why Offshore Geosciences was their chosen career and the level of personal satisfaction they have had in their career.
3. Serving as a resource on senior projects, master theses, and Ph.D. dissertations.
4. Providing guidance on seeking employment where their interest in offshore science and technology can grow.
Subcommittee Members
- Co - Chair, Ed Clukey

Pipeline Lab Tests and Analytical Modeling. Cheuk, C.Y. (2005)
Upcoming Events 2025
Membership available for students, individuals and corporations