Marine Renewable Energy Committee (MREC)


SUT-US Marine Renewable Energy Committee
MREC Chair : Maria Ancheril, Strohm B.V. Houston
MREC Secretary: Roneet Das - NGI Houston

Former MREC Chairs:
Zenon Median Centina
Rodger Osborn
Tricia Hill

Aim and Technical Remit:
To provide a recognized forum for marine renewable energies, including: wind, ocean currents, river, thermal, solar and wave energies with their associated areas of; Research & Development, Design & Manufacture, Onshore & Offshore Construction, Installation as well as Inspection, Maintenance & Repair. The purpose of the committee is:
  • To promote best practice for issues within the MREC committee's remit for the wider renewables industry.
  • To be a recognized learned body providing advice on issues within the technical remit of the committee to other non-commercial organizations.
  • To organize and provide education and training courses, workshops, seminars, and international conferences to the offshore industry to foster best practice, and knowledge dissemination.

Events of Interest:

Decarbonization Workshop on Q1 2025. More information to come!

Relevant content in Marine Renewable Energy news:

If you would like to become a SUT-US MREC Committee Member click here

Marine Renewable Energy Committee (MREC)

Current Members

Meeting Recordings

Meeting Minutes

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