Dr. Ed Clukey
Society for Underwater Technology in the U.S.

I retired from BP in 2015 after 16 yrs of service. I am now working for the Jukes Group, a multidisciplinary company primarily focusing on offshore energy services. Prior to working for BP I worked for Exxon Production Research (14 years), McClelland Engineers (2 years) and th US Geological Survey (3 years). My background is geotechnical engineering. Early on in my career I focused on offshore geohazard issues with work on wave-seafloor interaction and integrated offshore site investigations. Later on I became an advocate of centrifuge model testing to advance problems related to foundation engineering, pipelines, and risers. I head the API/ISO committee sub-committee on pipelines and risers and am a member of the ASCE/COPRI committee on renewable energy. Most recently I have become interested in life extension issues related to foundations, pipelines and risers. This work includes improved methods to deter related mine fatigue and consideration of high damping levels for problems to pipeline slugging and spans
Current Position at SUT
OSIG Member, Student Mentoring Committee
Bachelors in Civil, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1972
Masters in Geotechnical , WPI, 1976
PhD in Geotechnical, Cornell University, 1983
Professional Interests
Renewable energy, work in progress with major offshore design contractor; Centrifuge model testing, numerous programs to determine foundation, pipeline and riser responses; Earthquake engineering, two research model test programs to determine seismic response of steel jackets & subsea manifolds.
Fellow ASCE, ASCE, 2006
Diplomate Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 2015
Diplomate Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, 2015
Upcoming Events 2025
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